For visa examination appointment cancellation within 24 hours, a cancellation fee of 5,000 yen will be charged from the second time.
* 年末の米国ビザ検診について *
* End of year US visa medical exam appointments *
Chest X-rays will be evaluated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Reading Center based on the US CDC standards. Depending on the results of the chest X-ray, you may need to have an additional sputum test for three consecutive days within the specified period. Please note that if you are taking the test before the end of the year, you may need to take the test for three days between January 6th and January 10th.
* End of year US visa medical exam appointments *
Chest X-rays will be evaluated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Reading Center based on the US CDC standards. Depending on the results of the chest X-ray, you may need to have an additional sputum test for three consecutive days within the specified period. Please note that if you are taking the test before the end of the year, you may need to take the test for three days between January 6th and January 10th.
Vaccine requirements
ビザ申請に必要なワクチンの種類、接種回数、接種間隔などの詳細については、下記のCDC の Web サイトをご確認ください。
(注: 誤解を避けるため、予約デスクでは詳細な質問にはお答えできません。)
Please check the CDC website for specific details on the required vaccine type, number of doses, and intervals between vaccinations for visa applications. If you need further information before the exam, we provide online consultations with a doctor for a fee (USD50.- per person). To schedule a session, please call us.
(Note: We are unable to answer detailed questions at the reservation desk to avoid any misinterpretation.)
(注: 誤解を避けるため、予約デスクでは詳細な質問にはお答えできません。)
Please check the CDC website for specific details on the required vaccine type, number of doses, and intervals between vaccinations for visa applications. If you need further information before the exam, we provide online consultations with a doctor for a fee (USD50.- per person). To schedule a session, please call us.
(Note: We are unable to answer detailed questions at the reservation desk to avoid any misinterpretation.)
( 発行2023年11月29日) すべての移民ビザ(IV)申請者は、健診までの 12 か月以内に 新型コロナワクチン接種を受ける必要があります。 当院での新型コロナウイルスワクチンの接種費用は、全額自己負担です。地域自治体の接種助成対象者の方は事前に接種をお済ませください。地域の医療機関で新型コロナウイルスワクチンの接種を受けられない場合は、当院で受けることができます。 新型コロナワクチン価格一覧 生後6か月~ ¥30,000/回 USCISワクチン接種免除申請について 指定医師は申請者が COVID-19 ワクチンを接種したことを証明する書類を対面で確認する必要があります。ただし、USCIS の免除を受ける資格がある場合は、移民ビザの面接後にUSCIS 免除を申請することができます。これらの申請者にどのような別の措置が利用できるか大使館での面接中に説明があります。大使館での面接で申請者が USCIS 免除の資格がないことが判明した場合、申請者は追加料金で再度健診を受ける必要がある場合があります。USCIS免除申請を計画している方はお知らせください。 新型コロナワクチン接種の禁忌事項について 対象となる移民ビザ(IV)申請者で新型コロナワクチン接種が禁忌「新型コロナワクチン接種後にアナフィラキシーは発症した既往がある」「その成分でアレルギー反応が確認されている」とされている方は、そのことが確認できる診断書をご持参ください。禁忌事項以外は、原則新型コロナワクチンの接種が求めらますが、接種時注意(Precaution)対象者のため主治医より「接種不可」と判断された場合は、その理由が明記された診断書をご持参ください。米国移民局の規定により診断書の内容について追加診療情報を主治医に求める場合があります。また米国CDCの基準に準じて接種が必要と判断された場合は、申請者は追加料金で再度健診を受ける必要がある場合があります。詳しい情報は下記リンクからもご確認いただけます。 詳細は下記サイトよりご確認ください。 https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html Contraindications to COVID19 vaccines |
COVID19 Vaccination Requirement
(Issue November 29, 2023) All immigrant visa (IV) applicants must receive a dose of COVID19 vaccination within 12 months of their medical exam. The cost of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine at our clinic need to be paid in full by the patient. If you are eligible for vaccination subsidies from your local government, please get vaccinated in advance. If you are unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a local medical institution, you can receive it at our hospital. COVID19 vaccine price list 6 months old and over ¥30,000/dose USCIS Vaccine Waiver Request The panel physician must confirm in person documentation that the applicants received doses of COVID-19 vaccine. However, he/she can be admitted to the United States if otherwise eligible and if he/she receives a waiver from USCIS. They may apply for a USCIS waiver after their immigrant visa interview. The embassy will explain what course of action is available during the interview at the embassy. If an applicant is found ineligible for a USCIS waiver at the embassy interview, the applicant may be required to undergo another examination at an additional cost. Please let us know if you plan to apply for a waiver from USCIS. Contraindications to COVID19 vaccines Eligible immigrant visa (IV) applicants who are contraindicated to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; "have a history of developing anaphylaxis after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine" "have an allergic reaction to its ingredients", please bring a medical certificate confirming this diganosis. Except for contraindications, in principle, vaccination with the Covid19 vaccine is required. However, if the attending physician determines that the vaccination is not possible because the person is subject to precautions, please bring a medical certificate stating the reason. In accordance with U.S. immigration regulations, additional medical information may be requested from the panel physician depending on the content of the medical certificate. In addition, if it is determined that vaccination is necessary according to the standards of U.S. CDC, the applicant may be required to undergo another examination at an additional cost. See the website below for details. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html Contraindications to COVID19 vaccines |
COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding
新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンは、女性や男性の生殖能力の問題とは関連していません。 生後6か月以上の乳児は、妊娠前または妊娠中に新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン接種を受けた人や感染した人から生まれた場合でも、新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンの接種を受けることが推奨されます。 妊娠中、または最近妊娠した場合は、妊娠していない人に比べて、新型コロナウイルス感染症により重症になる可能性が高くなります。 さらに、妊娠中に新型コロナウイルス感染症に感染した場合は、新型コロナウイルス感染症による重篤な病気により妊娠中と赤ちゃんに影響を与える可能性がある合併症のリスクが高くなります。
Everyone ages 6 months and older is recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future. COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with fertility problems in women or men. Infants ages 6 months and older are recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine even if born to people who were vaccinated or had COVID-19 before or during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19, compared to those who are not pregnant. Additionally, if you have COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of complications that can affect your pregnancy and your baby from serious illness from COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.
新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンは、女性や男性の生殖能力の問題とは関連していません。 生後6か月以上の乳児は、妊娠前または妊娠中に新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン接種を受けた人や感染した人から生まれた場合でも、新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンの接種を受けることが推奨されます。 妊娠中、または最近妊娠した場合は、妊娠していない人に比べて、新型コロナウイルス感染症により重症になる可能性が高くなります。 さらに、妊娠中に新型コロナウイルス感染症に感染した場合は、新型コロナウイルス感染症による重篤な病気により妊娠中と赤ちゃんに影響を与える可能性がある合併症のリスクが高くなります。
Everyone ages 6 months and older is recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future. COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with fertility problems in women or men. Infants ages 6 months and older are recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine even if born to people who were vaccinated or had COVID-19 before or during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19, compared to those who are not pregnant. Additionally, if you have COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of complications that can affect your pregnancy and your baby from serious illness from COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.
Addendum to Technical Instructions for Vaccinations: Polio
特定の国に過去 12 か月以内に4 週間以上滞在した移民ビザ(IV)申請者は、12 か月以内にポリオの予防接種を受けていることを証明する必要があります。予防接種記録がない場合は、ポリオ予防接種を健診時に行います。詳細は下記リンクよりご確認いただけます。
Immigrant visa (IV) Applicants who have visited certain countries for 4 weeks or more within the last 12 months are required to show proof of polio vaccination within the last 12 months. If no vaccination records are available, polio vaccination will be given at the time of examination. Please refer to below link for further details.
特定の国に過去 12 か月以内に4 週間以上滞在した移民ビザ(IV)申請者は、12 か月以内にポリオの予防接種を受けていることを証明する必要があります。予防接種記録がない場合は、ポリオ予防接種を健診時に行います。詳細は下記リンクよりご確認いただけます。
Immigrant visa (IV) Applicants who have visited certain countries for 4 weeks or more within the last 12 months are required to show proof of polio vaccination within the last 12 months. If no vaccination records are available, polio vaccination will be given at the time of examination. Please refer to below link for further details.
Special Notice for Afghan and Ukranian nationals:
All Afghan and Ukranian nationals age 2 to 14 must receive an IGRA (blood test) to screen for tuberculosis. Also, there are additional vaccination requirements for applicants from these countries: MMR vaccine is required for those 6 months and older who were born on or after 1957. Polio vaccine is required for those 6 weeks and older.
All Afghan and Ukranian nationals age 2 to 14 must receive an IGRA (blood test) to screen for tuberculosis. Also, there are additional vaccination requirements for applicants from these countries: MMR vaccine is required for those 6 months and older who were born on or after 1957. Polio vaccine is required for those 6 weeks and older.
Medical Examination
医療面談/身体計測/診察/血液検査/尿検査*/胸部レントゲン/視力検査/予防接種 *尿検査は生理中でも問題ありません 2021年9月3日より血液検査/尿検査/胸部レントゲン検査の対象年齢が変更されました。 15歳~18歳:胸部レントゲンのみ 18歳~24歳:胸部レントゲン+血液検査+尿検査 25歳~44歳:胸部レントゲン+血液検査 45歳以上:胸部レントゲンのみ https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/syphilis.html 所要時間: 約 1〜2 時間 持ち物: Immigrant Visa/Greencard (Diversity Visaを除く)の方 1. 有効なパスポート 2. DS260 confirmation page(DS260サンプル) DS260の詳細はこちらのリンクでも確認いただけます。 持参がないと健診を実施することができません。 3. 大使館から発行されたケースナンバーが記載されたレター 持参がないと健診を実施することができません。 4. 予防接種の記録/証明書や母子手帳(和文可) 予防接種の記録は、ワクチン内容、医療機関、実施日、本人のものであることが確認できる必要があります。電子媒体の場合は、必ず印刷して持参してください。 5. COVID-19ワクチン接種の証明書 電子媒体の場合は、印刷して持参してください。 6. 眼鏡(使われる方) 7. 持病などで通院中の場合は、検査結果・診断書(診療情報提供書)をご持参ください。処方薬を服薬中の場合は、診断と処方内容が確認できるものをご持参ください(和文可)。電子媒体の場合は、印刷して持参してください。 8. 下のリンクのDS-2054を英語で記入してご持参ください。 - DS-2054 (サンプル) - DS-2054 (Blank form) 予定している米国住所は必ず記載してください。 9. 以前にビザ健診を受けたことがあり結果をお持ちの場合はその結果をご持参ください。 Diversity Visa(DV)/K1(fiance visa)の方 1. 有効なパスポート 2. 証明写真(縱 4.0cm×横 3.0cm)4 枚 *裏面に英字で氏名を記入 してください(シール式は不可) 3. DS260またはDS160のconfirmation page DVの方はDS260、K1(fiance visa)の方はDS160が必要です。 DS260またはDS160の詳細はこちらのリンクでも確認いただけます。持参がないと健診を実施することができません。 4. 大使館から発行されたケースナンバーが記載されたレター 持参がないと健診を実施することができません。 5. 予防接種の記録/証明書や母子手帳(和文可) 予防接種の記録は、ワクチン内容、医療機関、実施日、本人のものであることが確認できる必要があります。電子媒体の場合は、必ず印刷して持参してください。 6. COVID-19ワクチン接種(2回以上)の証明書 電子媒体の場合は、印刷して持参してください。 7. 眼鏡(使われる方) 8. 持病などで通院中の場合は、検査結果・診断書(診療情報提供書)をご持参ください。処方薬を服薬中の場合は、診断と処方内容が確認できるものをご持参ください(和文可)。電子媒体の場合は、印刷して持参してください。 9. 下のリンクのDS-2054を英語で記入してご持参ください。 - DS-2054 (サンプル) - DS-2054 (Blank form) 予定している米国住所は必ず記載してください。 10. 以前にビザ健診を受けたことがあり結果をお持ちの場合はその結果をご持参ください。 DUI/Non-immigrant visa でビザ健診が必要なの方 1. 有効なパスポート 2. 証明写真(縱 4.0cm×横 3.0cm)3枚 *裏面に英字で氏名を記入 してください(シール式は不可) 3. 大使館または領事館から発行されたレター 持参がないと健診を実施することができません。 4. 法廷関連の書類、入手可能な関連する書類(診断書、精神鑑定、警察記録、軍隊、学校、職場のレポート等) 原本である必要はありません。関連書類の持参がない場合、健診が実施できません。電子媒体で保存している場合は必ず印刷して持参してください。場合によって追加の資料を要求することがあります。聴取された情報は大使館へ報告する目的以外には使用しません。 5. 眼鏡(使われる方) 6. 持病などで通院中の場合は、検査結果・診断書(診療情報提供書)をご持参ください。処方薬を服薬中の場合は、診断と処方内容が確認できるものをご持参ください(和文可)。電子媒体の場合は、印刷して持参してください。 7. 下のリンクのDS-2054を英語で記入してご持参ください。 - DS-2054 (サンプル) - DS-2054 (Blank form) 現住所は現在滞在中の日本の住所を記載します。 予定している米国住所は必ず記載してください。 8. 以前にビザ健診を受けたことがあり結果をお持ちの場合はその結果をご持参ください。 9. 大使館の指示により診断と分類のために3〜6か月後の再受診が必要になることがあります。 DUI/Non-immigrant visa でビザ健診が必要なの方に関する健診内容の詳細は下記のリンクからも確認できます。 https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/mental-health.html ビザ健診の注意: 1. 本人確認のため有効なパスポートが必要です。 有効なパスポートがない場合、健診を実施できません。 申請手続の関係で原本がない場合、有効期限切れなどの場合の対応は大使館に直接ご確認ください。 2. パスポート名とビザ申請時の名前が異なる場合、大使館の許可がなければ健診が実施できないことがあります。事前に大使館の許可を得てください。 3. 妊娠中の方は健診予約の際にお知らせください。 4. 結核の既往がある方、あるいは、治療中の方は、以前の胸部レントゲンを持参してください。 5. 健診前の食事は問題ありません。 6. ケースナンバーが書面で確認できない場合は健診をお受けできないことがあります。 7. 18歳未満の方は保護者の同伴が必要です。 8. 予防接種の記録や抗体検査結果は、実施医療機関、実施日、本人のものであることが確認できる必要があります。 9.ビザ健診に必要な検査は、大使館が指定した医療機関で実施する必要があります。他院で実施された検査結果は医療面接の際に参考となりますが転用することはできません。 10. 小さいお子様をお連れの方は、診察・検査中、お子様をお預かりいただける方の同伴をお願いします。 11.健診後、ワクチン証明書が発行されます。ワクチン証明は大使館面談の時または米国へ渡航後再評価のために必要になる場合があります。 12.書類紛失による再発行には、健診料と同じ費用を頂戴します。大切に保管してください。 13.ビザ健康診断報告書の閲覧は大使館のみとされています。 ワクチン証明書以外のビザ健康診断報告書の開示は、大使館に直接行う必要があります。 14. ビザ健診を受けるには、下記の「ビザ健診に関する同意」に同意する必要があります。 <ビザ健診に関する同意> 「米国移民法INA212(a)及び212(d)基づき適正を診断する為に指定医師による一連の健康診断を受ける必要があることを理解しています。必要情報を全て提供しなかった場合、ビザプロセスの遅延または却下になりうることを理解しています。15歳以上の者は結核検査のために胸部レントゲンを撮る必要があることを理解しています。胸部レントゲンを撮ることを拒否した場合、胸部レントゲン撮影が完了するまでビザ申請がプロセスされないことを理解しています。故意に虚偽、または誤解を招く報告をした場合、または故意に重要な事実を隠蔽した場合、恒久的に米国に入国できなくなることそして/または刑事訴追の対象になりうることを理解しています。健康診断に提供された情報は他の米国政府、移民、国籍その他の法律の執行機関を含む法律また法定上権利を有する米国の他の政府機関も閲覧できます。」 健診費用(税込): 大人(15歳以上) ¥29,000 .- 小児(15歳未満)¥15,000 .- 通信処理/送料:¥1000.- 上記料金に予防接種代は含まれていません。 複数の予防接種を受ける場合、約¥10,000 ~ ¥80,000追加になる場合があります。 ワクチン価格は米国大使館の承認を受けた価格です。 クレジットカード払いはVISA/MasterCard/American Express/Diners Club/JCBが利用可能です。 結果報告:約10~14 営業日* *検査で異常がなかった場合 胸部レントゲンや血液検査などで異常が指摘され場合は、受診した指定医療機関で再検査を受ける必要がある場合がありますのでご注意ください。 ※ビザ健診に関するさらに詳しい情報は大使館のサイトからも確認できます |
Outline of ExaminationContents of Examination:
Doctor interview/Measurement/physical exam/blood test/urine test*/ chest X-ray /visual acuity/Immunization * Can be tested during menstruation. From September 3, 2021, the target age for blood test / urine test / chest X-ray test has been changed. 15-18 years old: Chest X-ray only 18 to 24 years old: chest X-ray + blood test + urine test 25-44 years old: chest X-ray + blood test 45 years and over: Chest X-ray only https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/syphilis.html Estimated Time: 1 to 2 hours Items to bring: For Immigrant Visa/Greencard(except Diversity Visa) 1. Valid Passport 2. DS260 confirmation page (Sample DS260) Details regarding DS260 form is available from this link. If you do not bring it with you, the medical examination cannot be carried out. 3. The letter from the embassy stating your case number If you do not bring it with you, the medical examination cannot be carried out. 4. Vaccination Records/Certificate or Child Health Handbook (Boshi-techo). Vaccine Records must contain, documentation to confirm the vaccine content, vaccinating facility, date, and identity of the patient. If recorded in electronic form, please bring a print out and submit. 5. COVID-19 Vaccine Proof. Please bring the vaccine proof. If recorded in electronic form, please bring a print out and submit. 6. Spectacles (for those who use them) 7. If you are currently under treatment for any medical condition, please bring any test reports/medical letters relevant to your health condition. If you are taking prescription medications, please bring a medical letter written by your doctor indicating the diagnosis and details of the prescription and treatment course. Medical letters written in Japanese are accepted. Medical letters must be signed by a medical doctor. If stored in electronic form, please print out and submit. 8. Please fill DS-2054 form below and bring the form. - DS-2054 (Sample) - DS-2054 (blank form)* Intended US address is required. 9. If you have previously received a visa medical examination and have the reports, please bring them with you. For Diversity Visa(DV)/K1(fiance visa) 1. Valid Passport 2. 4 photos (4.0cm height x 3.0cm length) Please fill in your full name in English on the back side. (Sticker pictures are not accepted) 3. DS260 or DS160 confirmation page Please bring DS260 for DV and DS160 for K1 (fiance visa) . Details regarding DS260 or DS160 form is available from this link. If you do not bring it with you, the medical examination cannot be carried out. 4. The letter from the embassy stating your case number If you do not bring it with you, the medical examination cannot be carried out. 5. Vaccination Records/Certificate or Child Health Handbook (Boshi-techo). Vaccine Records must contain, documentation to confirm the vaccine content, vaccinating facility, date, and identity of the patient. If recorded in electronic form, please bring a print out and submit. 6. COVID-19 (at least 2 doses). Please bring the vaccine proof. If recorded in electronic form, please bring a print out and submit. 7. Spectacles (for those who use them) 8. If you are currently under treatment for any medical condition, please bring any test reports/medical letters relevant to your health condition. If you are taking prescription medications, please bring a medical letter written by your doctor indicating the diagnosis and details of the prescription and treatment course. Medical letters written in Japanese are accepted. Medical letters must be signed by a medical doctor. If stored in electronic form, please print out and submit. 9. Please fill DS-2054 form below and bring the form. - DS-2054 (Sample) - DS-2054 (blank form)* Intended US address is required. 10. If you have previously received a visa medical examination and have the reports, please bring them with you. For DUI/Non-immigrant visa applicant who needs medical exam 1. Valid Passport 2. 3 photos (4.0cm height x 3.0cm length) Please fill in your full name in English on the back side. (Sticker pictures are not accepted) 3. The instruction letter from the embassy If you do not bring it with you, the medical examination cannot be carried out. 4. Bring all the court records and other available records (such as medical, psychiatric, police, military, school, and employment) relevant for the exam. If you do not bring the relevant documents, the medical examination cannot be carried out. If stored in electronic form, please print out and submit. The Panel Physician may ask for further documentation. Information gathered during the interview is only used to complete the report for the embassy. 5. Spectacles (for those who use them) 6. If you are currently under treatment for any medical condition, please bring any test reports/medical letters relevant to your health condition. If you are taking prescription medications, please bring a medical letter written by your doctor indicating the diagnosis and details of the prescription and treatment course. Medical letters written in Japanese are accepted. Medical letters must be signed by a medical doctor. If stored in electronic form, please print out and submit. 7. Please fill DS-2054 form below and bring the form. - DS-2054 (Sample) - DS-2054 (blank form) For the current address, enter the address in Japan where you are currently staying. Intended US address is required. 8. If you have previously received a visa medical examination and have the reports, please bring them with you. 9. A follow-up visit after 3-6 months may be required for diagnosis and classification as directed by the embassy. Additional information regarding the medical examination for DUI/Non-immigrant visa applicant who needs medical exam can also be obtained from the link below. https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/mental-health.html Attention: 1. A valid passport is required for identification. The examination cannot proceed without presentation of a valid passport. (If you do not have the original passport because it is being processed or if the passport has expired, please contact the embassy for instructions.) 2. If the name on the passport is different from the name on the visa application, the medical examination may not proceed without approval from the embassy. Please contact the embassy for instructions before the medical examination. 3. If you are pregnant, please let us know at the medical exam. 4. If you are being or have been treated for tuberculosis, please bring your past chest X-rays. 5. You may eat or drink before the examination. 6. Please bring official documents showing your case number. We may not be able to perform visa medical examination if we can not confirm your case number. 7. Applicants under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a guardian. 8. If you are bringing vaccine records or immunity test results, please bring documentation to confirm the medical facility, date, and identity of the patient. 9. Tests required for a visa medical examination must be performed at a designated facility. Test results from other facilities will be reviewed by the doctor during the interview. However, they are not accepted as substitutes for the mandatory tests required for the visa medical exam. 10. Those who are bringing small children are requested to bring someone to accompany them during the examination. 11. After the medical examination, a vaccine certificate will be issued. Vaccine certification may be required at the time of the embassy interview or for reassessment after traveling to the United States. 12. If you lose the documents and need reissue, you will be charged the same fee as the examination fee. Please keep the documents provided safe. 13. Only the U.S. Embassy is authorized to view your visa medical examination report. Disclosure of the medical examination report other than vaccine certification must be made directly to the embassy. 14. In order to receive a visa medical examination, you must agree to the following "Consent to Visa Medical Examination". <Consent to Visa Medical Examination> "I understand that I am required to undergo a complete medical examination with an authorized physician in order to assess my eligibility consistent with Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Sections 212(a) and 221(d). I understand that failure to provide required information may cause delay or denial of visa. I understand that all applicants 15 years of age and older are required to undergo a chest radiograph (x-ray) to test for tuberculosis. I understand that if I am pregnant I may refuse the chest radiograph. If I refuse the chest radiograph I understand that my visa application will not be processed until I have completed the requirement. I understand that any willfully false or misleading statement or willful concealment of material fact made by me herein may subject me to permanent exclusion from the United States or may subject me to criminal prosecution and/or deportation. The information provided on your medical examination report may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or other lawful authority to use such information, including for the administration or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States." Medical Examination Fee (Including tax): Adults (15 years and above) ¥29,000.- Infants/Children ¥15,000.- Submission Processing/Postage: ¥1000.- The above fees do not include additional vaccine fees. Total vaacine fees may add to ¥10,000~¥80,000. The vaccine price is confirmed by the US Embassy. Payment by credit card is available by VISA/MasterCard/American Express/Diners Club/JCB. Results: 10 to 14 business days* *If all tests show no abnormalities. Please note that if any abnormalities are found in chest X-rays or blood tests, you may be required to undergo a re-examination at the designated medical institution where you visited. ※Additional information can also be found on the U.S. Embassy website. |
Chest Xray
胸部レントゲンは、大使館指定の国連機関である国際移民機関(IOM)読影センターにより米国CDCの基準に基づいて評価されます。胸部レントゲンに異常が指摘された場合、所見によっては追加検査(レントゲン検査や喀痰培養など)が指示されます。追加検査はこの大使館指定医療機関で行う必要があり、そのための再受診が必要になることがあります。 追加検査はできるだけ早く実施する必要があります。検査を2 週間以上遅らせると検査結果の有効性に影響します。 妊娠中の申請者は、必要な移民胸部X線検査および移民健康診断を妊娠後まで延期できますが、移民するには胸部X線検査を受ける必要があります。妊娠中の申請者は、この件について国務省(DOS)領事官と話し合い、遅延が移民ステータスに影響するかどうかを判断してください。申請者に対する鉛遮蔽の実施は、適用される現地の法律および規制に従う必要がありますが、妊娠中の申請者を含むすべての申請者に対する移民健康診断では、鉛遮蔽は推奨されておらず、義務付けられていません。 鉛シールド(2024年1月22日~) 妊娠中の申請者を含め、胸部 X 線検査では鉛の遮蔽は、米国CDCにより推奨または必須ではなくなりました。 下記のリンクからも詳細をご確認いただけます。
Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment Technical Instructions https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/panel/tuberculosis-panel-technical-instructions.html |
<Attention regarding Chest X-ray>
For persons applying from visa, the tuberculosis screening is performed as an essential component of the medical evaluation. Because tuberculosis is a challenging disease to diagnose, treat, and control, this policy is designed to detect and treat tuberculosis disease among applicants and to reduce the risk of spreading tuberculosis.
Chest X-rays will be evaluated based on US CDC criteria by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Reading Center, a United Nations agency designated by the Embassy. If an abnormality is found on the chest X-ray, additional tests (such as Xrays or sputum culture) may be ordered. Additional tests will need to be done at this Embassy designated facility, and you may be required to return for further examinations. The additional test must be performed as soon as possible. Delaying the test beyond a period of 2 weeks affect the validity of the test results. Applicants who are pregnant may postpone the required immigration chest x-ray (and immigration medical examination) until after pregnancy but are required to have a chest x-ray to immigrate. Pregnant applicants should discuss this matter with the Department of State (DOS) consular officer to determine if the delay will affect their immigration status. Lead shielding practices for applicants should follow applicable local laws and regulations; however, lead shielding is no longer recommended or required for the immigration medical examination for any applicants, including those who are pregnant. Lead shield (1/22/2024~) Lead shielding is no longer recommended or required by the U.S. CDC for chest X-ray examinations, including for pregnant applicants. Additional information is available from the link below. Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment Technical Instructions.
https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/panel/tuberculosis-panel-technical-instructions.html |