General Checkup and Tests
General Checkup (physical exam, blood/urine test & ECG)
Physical Examination includes: Blood pressure/Body weight/Height/Vision
Blood test includes: Liver function(AST/ALT/GGT)/Kidney function(BUN/Creatinine)/Uric acid/Cholesterol(LDL/HD/TG)/diabetes screening(blood sugar/HbA1c)/Iron/ferritin/vitaminB12/vitaminD
Electrolyte(Na/K/Cl)/Calcium/phosphate/Complete blood cell count/hemoglobin/thyroid function(TSH)
Urine test: Urine cell counts/urine sugar/urine protein/urine ketone
Blood test includes: Liver function(AST/ALT/GGT)/Kidney function(BUN/Creatinine)/Uric acid/Cholesterol(LDL/HD/TG)/diabetes screening(blood sugar/HbA1c)/Iron/ferritin/vitaminB12/vitaminD
Electrolyte(Na/K/Cl)/Calcium/phosphate/Complete blood cell count/hemoglobin/thyroid function(TSH)
Urine test: Urine cell counts/urine sugar/urine protein/urine ketone

Finding out your Sleep Apnea status in 4 simple steps
1 ) Take Sleep Quiz to find out the risk factors
2) Order your test kit
3) Perform Test
4) Results within 7-10 days
USPSTF recommendationsThe Prevention TaskForce App is an application designed to help identify clinical preventive services that are appropriate for patients.
Heart Disease Risk CalculatorBased on Framingham Heart Study to estimate heart disease risk factors in 10 years time.